Wednesday, December 9, 2015

History of sport

The history of sports probably extends as far back as the military training existence, to prove themselves fit and useful for army requirements, the best been chosen to serve and fight for the power in command. Team sports had most probably been developed to train and prove the capability to fight and work together as a team (army). Later sports has been also a useful way for people to increase their mastery of nature and the environment.  The history of sport can teach us a great deal about social changes and about the nature of sport itself.

Sport seems  to involve the development and exercise of basic human skills for their own sake, in parallel with their being exercised for their usefulness. It also shows how society has changed its beliefs and therefore there are changes in rules. Of course, as one goes further back in history, dwindling evidence makes theories of the origins and purposes of sport more and more difficult to support.

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